Biblioteca Hospital 12 de Octubre
Delgado Jiménez, Juan Francisco

Evaluation of the preoperative vasoactive-inotropic score as a predictor of postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing heart transplantation. [carta] - International journal of cardiology, 2015 - 185:192-4.

Formato Vancouver:
Barge Caballero E, Segovia Cubero J, González Vilchez F, Delgado Jiménez J, Pérez Villa F, Almenar Bonet L et al. Evaluation of the preoperative vasoactive-inotropic score as a predictor of postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing heart transplantation. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Apr 15;185:192-4.

PMID: 25797676

Contiene 6 referencias

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Con tecnología Koha