Biblioteca Hospital 12 de Octubre
Borruel Nacenta, Susana

Vólvulos del tracto gastrointestinal. Diagnóstico y correlación entre radiología simple y tomografía computarizada multidetector. [revisión] - Radiología, 2015 - 57(1):35-43.

Formato Vancouver:
Ibáñez Sanz L, Borruel Nacenta S, Cano Alonso R, Díez Martínez P, Navallas Irujo M. Vólvulos del tracto gastrointestinal. Diagnóstico y correlación entre radiología simple y tomografía computarizada multidetector. Radiologia. 2015 Jan-Feb;57(1):35-43.

PMID: 24703987

Contiene 22 referencias

Gastrointestinal volvuli cause processes that manifest as acute abdomen. Volvuli are important not because they are common, but rather because their possible complications can be severe. All types of volvuli share a common pathophysiology, which consists of intestinal obstruction in a closed loop that results in ischemia. The clinical manifestations are nonspecific, so radiologists play a very important role in the early identification of the most common signs of torsion. These include the "bird's beak sign", the "whirlpool sign", and signs of potentially reversible or irreversible ischemia. The treatment of choice in most cases is surgery, either to correct the torsion and save the organ or to resect it if it is necrotic.

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