Biblioteca Hospital 12 de Octubre
Pulido Ortega, Federico

¿Cómo está afectando la aplicación del nuevo marco legal sanitario a la asistencia de los inmigrantes infectados por el VIH en situación irregular en España?. [artículo] - Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiología clínica, 2015 - 33(7):437-45.

Formato Vancouver:
Pérez Molina JA, Pulido F; Comité de expertos del Grupo para el Estudio del Sida (GESIDA) de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica (SEIMC). ¿Cómo está afectando la aplicación del nuevo marco legal sanitario a la asistencia de los inmigrantes infectados por el VIH en situación irregular en España?. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2015 Aug-Sep;33(7):437-45.

PMID: 25553717

Contiene 14 referencias

Introduction: The entry into force of Royal Decree (RD) 16/2012 in Spain in September 2012 led to the exclusion of the group of irregular immigrants from the National Healthcare System. With this work, GESIDA attempts to measure the impact of the entry into force of the RD in relation to its application by the Autonomous Communities (CCAA), and how it has affected the health care of irregular immigrants infected with HIV.
Methods: Information was requested from the 17 CCAA of the existence of measures to ensure the care and treatment of people with HIV infection that were left unprotected because of the implementation of the RD. Likewise, a survey was conducted on health professionals and NGOs involved in the care of these people, to find out how it has affected the implementation of the RD to their daily healthcare work and the availability of information on regulations to implement it.

Results: The response of the CCAA was variable, hardly contributing, in some cases, to mitigate the negative effect of the RD. To this is added a complex bureaucracy to access the benefits offered by some regions, often inaccessible to the most vulnerable subjects. Lack of information for health-care professionals and NGOs involved in the care of immigrants, hinders access of this population to health care and the establishment of control measures for diseases with an impact on the public health.
Conclusions: The RD 16/2012 has had a negative impact on daily healthcare working, generating the appearance of deep inequities throughout the country.

Con tecnología Koha