Biblioteca Hospital 12 de Octubre
Sanz Fuentenebro, Francisco Javier Bernardo, Miquel

Electroconvulsive Therapy Practice in Spain: A National Survey. [artículo] - The journal of ECT, 2016 - 32(1):55-61.

Formato Vancouver:
Vera I, Sanz Fuentenebro J, Urretavizcaya M, Verdura E, Soria V, Martínez Amorós E et al. Electroconvulsive Therapy Practice in Spain: A National Survey. J ECT. 2016 Mar;32(1):55-61.

PMID: 26332499

Contiene 55 referencias

Objectives: The use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in Spain has not been systematically evaluated since 2000 to 2001. The aim of this study is to assess the current use of ECT in Spain.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted covering every psychiatric unit in Spain as of December 31, 2012.
Results: About 93.2% of the centers answered the questionnaire. About 54.9% of the psychiatric units applied ECT at a rate of 0.66 patients per 10,000 inhabitants. Wide variations existed among the different autonomous communities and provinces. Written informed consent was obtained in all the facilities. About 38.2% of ECT-treated patients were 65 years or older. About 55.7% were women. Depressive episodes were the main indication for ECT (80.2%). All the facilities applied modified ECT. No sine wave current devices are currently used in Spain. Bifrontotemporal ECT was elective in 85% of the hospitals, bifrontal in 13.3%, and unilateral in 1.8%. Stimulus titration methods were elective in 8.6% of the centers. The decision to end ECT relied on the psychiatrist's clinical impression in 89.4% of the centers and on rating scales in 10.6%. The ECT training was mandatory in 56.5% of the centers.
Conclusions: The ECT practice has significantly improved in Spain in recent years. Overall, Spanish facilities seem to comply with established clinical guidelines; however, specific concerns were identified, meaning there is still further scope for improvement.

Con tecnología Koha